Plural Deployment Operator
GitOps Management using the Plural Operator
The Plural operator defines a set of CRDs that allow you to manage your deployments in a fully GitOps manner. The controller ultimately communicates with our core apis and acts effectively as a frontend to automate provisioning/deprovisioning the requisite resources. The CRD structures also imitate the patterns used by Flux and is interoperable with many Flux types (particularly those from its source controller), with modular distinct types for the various roles in deployments, e.g. git/helm repositories, clusters, and services.
To illustrate the flexibility this model provides a very simple example to set up a helm multi-source deployment would look like this:
# helm repository to use for the service apiVersion: kind: HelmRepository metadata: name: nginx namespace: infra spec: interval: 5m0s url: --- # cluster to deploy to apiVersion: kind: Cluster metadata: name: k3s-test namespace: infra spec: handle: k3s-test --- apiVersion: kind: GitRepository metadata: name: infra namespace: infra spec: url: # source repo for helm values --- apiVersion: kind: ServiceDeployment metadata: name: nginx-threes-test namespace: infra spec: namespace: ingress-nginx name: ingress-nginx git: folder: helm-values ref: main repositoryRef: kind: GitRepository name: infra namespace: infra helm: version: 4.4.x chart: ingress-nginx valuesFiles: - ingress-nginx.yaml # values file sourced from the git repository repository: namespace: infra name: nginx # referenced helm repository above clusterRef: kind: Cluster name: k3s-test namespace: infra
Full API Spec
The full api spec can be found by looking through the go types here (full docsite coming soon!)
Read-Only vs Write resources
The operator also handles the complexity of resources defined via other tools. For instance, clusters will commonly actually be defined and provisioned in terraform, so write access should be done by that IaC tool. The operator will detect the resource was created elsewhere, and go into read-only mode, just generating the appropriate status fields to compose with other resources like services.
Full Working Example
The plural up
command is the simplest way to generate a full repository from the ground up, this will include all the terraform to create the management cluster, alongside workload clusters, a
documenting the given repo structure, and a basic app-of-apps setting up all the underlying services to get going. We also have a public tutorial example of this repo for people who'd rather just peruse available at our demo repo.
This can be considered a reference architecture, but users have freedom to chose their own repository layouts or multi-vs-mono repo organizational structures however their needs might see fit.