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Setting Up Your First Workload Cluster

Using a self-service PR automation to provision your first workload cluster


Now that you have a management cluster and your SCM connected, you can test-out our self-service provisioning using PR Automations and our terraform management system called Stacks. At a high level, this is going to:

  • utilize a PR Automation (PRA) to instantiate a few CRDs into folders syncable by the root service-of-services in the bootstrap folder
  • The InfrastructureStack CRD created by the PRA will create a terraform stack referencing code in the terraform/modules/clusters/aws folder to provision a new cluster. Your management cluster should already have been configured with sufficient IAM perms to create this cluster. Any future commits to that folder will also be tracked and generate new terraform runs to sync in changes to the desired infrastructure.

This Guide will not work properly unless you've finished the tutorial Integrate with your Source Control Provider.

Enable the cluster-creator PR Automation

There should be a crd at bootstrap/pr-automation/cluster-creator.yaml which will create the PRA that drives this tutorial. By default it references a github SCMConnection crd, you'll need to have created that fully, and eventually the operator will also create the PR Automation in our API, and it will be visible in the UI as well.

If it's not showing, navigate to the apps service, and you can filter on PrAutomation resources. You should be able to see error messages in the YAML explaining what the operator is tripping on.

Create a Workload Cluster

Now that PR Automation is configured, we should be able to spawn our cluster seamlessly. The steps are:

  • Navigate to https://{your-console-domain}/pr/automations
  • Click Create a PR on the cluster-creator Automation Row
    cluster-creator pr button
  • Fill in the Required Fields
    • Name: The Name of the Cluster
    • Cloud: Cloud Provider to Deploy the Cluster (Dropdown Menu)
    • Fleet: The Fleet to Associate the cluster (this is arbitrary but can help you group like clusters)
    • Tier: The Tier to Place the Cluster (dev/staging/prod)
      cluster-creator modal 0
  • Click Next
  • Enter the Name of the Branch to Create the PR
    cluster-creator modal 1
  • Click Create
    • Optionally view the PR that was created
      cluster-creator modal 2
  • Merge the PR

Once this PR is merged, and our CD system syncs all the manifests, you should see a clusters service. This will have synced in the InfrastructureStack CRD and caused a Stack to be created at https://{your-console-domain}/stacks.

By default these stacks require approval for safety (terraform can do the strangest things sometimes, you should always validate a terraform plan before applying). To do that:

  • Navigate to https://{your-console-domain}/stacks and click on the run which should be in Pending Approval state
  • Click the Approve Button in the top-right
    • You can also see the plan in the run logs and the Plan subtab as well if you want to ensure the plan looks sane.

Cluster provisioning usually takes quite a while. On AWS, expect the process to take upwards of 20m, it can be more like 10m on GCP.

Overview of the GitOps Manifests Created

This PRA creates basically three GitOps manifests:

  • A ServiceDeployment at bootstrap/clusters.yaml. This spawns a new service syncing the services/clusters folder. This is meant to reduce bloat in the main bootstrap folder, and is technically optional.
  • An InfrastructureStack at services/clusters/{cloud}/stacks/{name}.yaml. This configures the Stacks api to create a new terraform stack to manage the provisioning of the underlying EKS/AKS/etc cluster. It is tracking the terraform/modules/clusters/{cloud} folder.
  • A Cluster CRD at services/clusters/{cloud}/clusters/{name}.yaml. This creates a pointer CRD which is often used in other CRDs like ServiceDeployment to reference clusters.

The Cluster CRD is not created by default when registering a cluster. This is why the PR Automation creates it, and if you registered clusters another way, you'll need to create an instance of it as well if you want to use the other CRDs which reference it.