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Service Templating

How to deploy and configure services in Plural


Plural allows a number of different mechanism to template service configuration into your yaml before applying to the destination cluster. There are a few key usecases for this:

  • injecting cluster-level configuration into a service, like IRSA role ARNS or other information needed to configure authentication to cloud services
  • injecting Plural secrets into service manifests
  • injecting information from other tools passed from service contexts

All templating is done via Shopify's liquid template engine. It's a mature templating language with generally better documentation than go's native text/template. We also inject a subset of the Sprig library into the engine, you can see how it's configured here.

It's important to know where templates can be applied and what data is available.

Templatable files and Disabling templating

The following files can have liquid templating applied to them:

  • yaml files in raw (non-helm/kustomize/etc) services
  • helm values files ending in .liquid

If you don't want to apply templating at all, which is usually only necessary if your yaml has template strings embedded w/in them, you can set:

  templated: false

on your ServiceDeployment spec to tell the deployment agent to bypass all templating on that service.

Available Data

You will have the following data fields available for templating:

  • configuration - a map[string]string which contains any secrets configured for that service
  • cluster - a stripped down struct containing metadata about a cluster
  • contexts - a map[string]map[string]interface{} containing a map of maps, keyed on context name. The contexts are usually created in other tools like terraform, and can be bound to a service by name. See our docs on terraform interoperability to learn more

You can access them using {{ }}. As an example, if you wanted to template a service secret into a kubernetes secret, it might look something like:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  MY_SECRET: { { configuration.secret } }

Safeguarding Sensitive Configurations in Terraform

In some cases you might want to reserve secrets for manual input in the Plural Console, yet configure others in the Terraform definition of your service. This example demonstrates the exclusion of certain configuration secrets, such as passwords and usernames, allowing manual entry exclusively within the Plural Console by leveraging Terraform's ignore_changes feature.

resource "plural_service_deployment" "monitoring" {
  name      = "monitoring"
  namespace = "monitoring"
  repository = {...}
  cluster = {
    id = "cluster-id"

  configuration = {
    monitoringRepo  =
    repoUrl         = local.repo_url
    namespace       = kubernetes_namespace.monitoring.metadata[0].name

  # enter these secrets in the service UI safely without risking the next `terraform apply` overwriting them
  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [

In this example, sensitive configurations like basicAuthUser and basicAuthPassword are excluded from Terraform's lifecycle management using the ignore_changes parameter.