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Use PR Automations for General Self-Service

Use a PR Automation for an example Self-Service S3 bucket creation workflow


Cloud infrastructure changes rapidly, and often the manual nature of infrastructure-as-code workflows can become a drag on velocity, causing organizations to reach to more self-service approaches. This can involve stitching together Backstage, Gitlab, ArgoCD, or any other set of tools. Plural provides a single cloud orchestrator to provide all those key functionalities in one control plane.

We'll show how this can work beyond just a K8s provisioning usecase, to provisioning an S3 bucket, a common resource also needed by Kubernetes workloads. It'll operate by:

  • Creating a PR Automation (PRA) to make the provisioning of buckets repeatable
  • Using that PRA to create an InfrastructureStack to provision the s3 bucket using a Plural terraform stack.

This Guide will not work properly unless you've finished the tutorial Integrate with your Source Control Provider.

Define the PR Automation

This PR Automation is going to leverage resources that have already been created in the plural up repo for you, in particular:

  • terraform/modules/blob/s3 - a basic s3 bucket module we've predefined that can be used for provisioning the bucket
  • templates/blobstore/* - a couple of templates that will be used to setup the blobstore provisioning process via a PRA

Given those manifests, the PR Automation yaml could be something like this, which you'd place in bootstrap/pr-automation/blobstore.yaml

kind: PrAutomation
  name: blob-creator
  name: blob-creator
  documentation: |
    Sets up a PR to provision a blobstore with a given type (eg s3) and region
    - source: templates/blob/stack.yaml
      destination: "services/blobstores/{{ context.type }}/{{ }}.yaml"
      external: false
    - source: templates/blob/service.yaml
      destination: "bootstrap/blobstores.yaml"
      external: false
    name: github
  title: "Adding a {{ context.type }} bucket {{ }}"
  message: "Setup a stack to manage the {{ }} {{ context.type }} bucket"
  identifier: your-org/your-plural-up-repo # <---- replace with the slug for your plural up repo
  - name: name
    type: STRING
    documentation: the name of this blob store (if using s3, this would become an s3 bucket name)
      regex: "[a-z][a-z-0-9]+"
  - name: type
    type: ENUM
    documentation: the type of blob storage to provision
    - s3
  - name: region
    type: STRING
    documentation: the region your blobstore will live in

Breaking down what this resource does, since it's somewhat complicated:

  • It'll create a self-service wizard in the Plural UI to provision new blobstores. The inputs to that wizard are defined in spec.configuration. The API will also typecheck each input provided to ensure everything is sane (notice the name field also has an additional regex validation to ensure properly formatted names are provided).
  • It'll write two files:
    1. bootstrap/blobstores.yaml - this creates a service to own each of the blobstores. This is just to prevent the main apps service synced under the bootstrap folder doesn't become too bloated.
    2. services/blobstores/{type}/{name}.yaml - This records the actual InfrastructureStack crd which configures the Stack which will own deployment of this instance of the terraform/modules/blob/s3 stack.
  • Finally it'll create a PR with those changes against the source repo configured at spec.identifier. The scmConnectionRef provided will need permissions to create PRs and push to this repo for that to work.

Push to Deploy

We registered all these manifests under the root bootstrap folder a plural up-derived management cluster listens to by default, so all you should need to do is either:

git commit -m "setup blobstore pr automation"
git push

or create a PR, approve it, and merge to have this new pr automation deploy.


You might need to wait a minute or two for the system to poll git and realize there's a new change.

Once you've configured all of these, you should see the new PR Automation at https://{your-console-domain}/pr/automations.

Execute the PR Automation And Merge

Once the PR Automation is created, the process is very straightforward

  1. Go to https://{your-console-domain}/pr/automations
  2. Click Create PR on the row with your new automation, and enter the wizard. This will create a new PR
  3. Wait for the apps service to sync, or manually sync it with the UI.
  4. Go to and find a stack named blobstore-{name}. This should have a run either in-progress or Pending Approval.
  5. Validate the terraform plan in that run, either using the dedicated Plan tab or the command output. Click Approve.

Once terraform apply completes, you should have a new S3 bucket!

Generalizing the workflow

This is relatively overkill if you're just creating an S3 bucket, but the pattern can be easily generalized to other cloud provisioning usecases. The general flow is:

  1. Write a single terraform module to accomplish the goal, eg creating a RDS database, or S3 bucket, or Azure Virtual Network.
  2. Write a few liquid templates to define how these will be instantiated as InfrastructureStack resources, and maybe how to chain syncs via services descended from the main bootstrap folder. (That's the purpose of the bootstrap/blobstores.yaml file).
  3. Write a PRA to automate generation of the files from (2).
  4. Profit!