Plural AI
Plural's AI engine removes the gruntwork from infrastructure
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Managing infrastructure is full of mind-numbing tasks, from troubleshooting the same misconfiguration for the hundredth time, to whack-a-moling Datadog alerts, to playing internal IT support to application developers who cannot be bothered to learn the basics of foundational technology like Kubernetes. Plural AI allows you to outsource all those time-sucks to LLMs so you can focus on building value-added platforms for your enterprise.
In particular, Plural AI has a few differentiators to its approach:
- A bring-your-own-LLM model - allows you to use the LLM already approved by your enterprise and not worry about us as a MITM
- An always-on troubleshooting engine - taking signals from failed kubernetes services, failed terraform runs, and other misfires in your infrastructure to run a consistent investigative process and summarize the results. Eliminate manual digging and just fix the issue instead.
- Automated Fixes - Take any insight from our troubleshooting engine and generate a fix PR automatically, generated from our ability to introspect the GitOps code defining that piece of infrastructure.
- AI Explanation - Complex or Domain-specific pages can be explained w/ one click with AI, eliminating internal support burdens for engineers.
- AI Chat - any workflow above can be further refined or expanded in a full ChatGPT-like experience. Paste additional context into chats automatically, or generate PRs once you and the AI has found the fix.
Demo Video
To see this all in action, feel free to browse our live demo video on Youtube of our GenAI integration: