Bring your own K8s cluster
Bootstrap Plural on an existing cluster
For users that just want to use our CD capabilities and full control of their kubernetes setup, you can install a simplified version of Plural onto an existing kubernetes cluster. We've made this a turnkey process, but there are some prerequisites, namely:
- You'll need to create a postgres db for state storage, and have a jdbc connection string for it ready of the form:
- You'll need to have your network setup in place so that all clusters you want to deploy to can make outbound network connections to the ingress you configure for plural CD, in general this means setting up:
- ingress-nginx - the ingress controller we've configured by default in the chart
- cert-manager - the chart assumes cert-manager handles cert generation by default but this can be disabled as well if you use a load balancer bound cloud cert manager
- externaldns - to bind dns entries to the hosts defined in the console's ingress
You are free to customize these at your own risk, usually it's not that challenging. The most likely potential gotcha is ensuring the connection stickiness configuration handles a migration to a different ingress controller from ingress-nginx.
If you're unfamiliar with how to set up these components for your cloud, we have a number of useful example terraform setups at
It will walk you through effectively everything needed below
Make sure your kubeconfig is pointing to the management cluster you want to deploy to, then run the following:
plural login plural cd control-plane
If you haven't already installed the Plural CLI, we have a homebrew installation available here: