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Custom stacks

Define your own command workflows to be executed via Stacks


Plural allows for you to define your own command workflows in place of the standard patterns for tools, like the terraform plan -> terraform apply chain for terraform, or ansible-playbook command for ansible. This can serve a number of useful purposes:

  1. Supporting a GitOps workflow for cli-based kubernetes provisioners like k3s or GKE anthos' gkectl.
  2. Supporting in-house provisioner scripts you'd want a more scalable, GitOps approach to configuration for, alongside the elegant UI the Plural Console can offer.
  3. Automating bulk scripting based on any declarative config, each forcing manual node refreshes

It works off a StackDefinition resource, and requires extending one of our base docker images.

Extend a Plural harness container image

The first step to defining your own custom stack is building your own base image. The standard path here is to simply extend ours, copying the harness binary into an executable path. This PR provides a simple example of how that can be done, with the new image simply consisting of a debian base with the AWS cli installed.

There are a few potential things to notice (all solved in the PR):

  1. For security reasons, we always execute stacks with the 65535 uid. This is to prevent run-as-root vulnerabilities, but also means you might need to manually create that user and its home directory in your image if you're installing utilities that might need them.
  2. The images you can use are in either the repository or the repository. The latter has finished images with terraform, ansible and other executables installed.
  3. You should make sure to include the WORKDIR and ENTRYPOINT as in the existing images, eg:
WORKDIR /plural

ENTRYPOINT ["harness", "--working-dir=/plural"]

Creating a StackDefinition

Stack definition CRDs are actually pretty self-explanatory, they just specify the commands you'll want the stack to run and any base configuration. Here's an example:

kind: StackDefinition
  name: my-custom-stack
  description: "example of a basic custom stack"
    image: # replace with your new base image
    tag: 0.4.42-terraform-1.8 # replace with your new tag
  - cmd: /bin/sh
    - ./
    stage: PLAN
  - cmd: echo
    stage: APPLY

The stage field maps to the standard terraform workflow, with the main point of importance being the APPLY stage cannot be executed until the stack has been approved, if it has enabled approval on its spec.

The configuration block is a way to specify default image setup for stacks using this definition.

Instantiating a Custom Stack

Finally creating an instance of your custom stack is very quick, simply create an InfrastructureStack resource pointing to the StackDefinition:

kind: InfrastructureStack
  name: custom
  name: custom
  detach: false
  type: CUSTOM # must be this type
  approval: true
    name: my-custom-stack # points to CR above
    namespace: stacks
    name: infra
    namespace: infra
    name: mgmt
    namespace: infra
    ref: main
    folder: stacks/custom