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Cluster Configuration

DevOps workflows that involve editing your cluster's Terraform files.

Plural offers a set of sane defaults to spin up a one-size-fits-all Kubernetes cluster, but there will be cases where you'll want to edit the default cluster configuration to better fit your organization's needs. This will involve editing the Terraform that we generate for you, which carries risks if administered incorrectly.

In general, all core cluster configuration is set up in a Terraform stack in the bootstrap app directory. You can find the Terraform code under bootstrap/terraform if you want to dive in yourself, but we can help guide you here as well.

Operations on node groups

Modifying node types

Modifying node types allows you to optimize the infrastructure backing your applications for cost and/or performance reasons.

Adding users/roles [AWS]

Because of the limitations set by AWS' IAM authenticator, you'll need to follow this process to add new users or roles to a cluster running in AWS.

Add these input to aws-bootstrap in bootstrap/terraform/

map_users = [
      userarn = "arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:user/yourusername"
      username = "yourusername"
      groups = ["system:masters"] # or whatever k8s group you'd prefer

# if you'd rather authenticate with an IAM role (a recommended approach), add this block
manual_roles = [
      rolearn = "arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/yourrolename"
      username = "yourrolename"
      groups = ["system:masters"]